
Many would like to invest in one or more of the areas mentioned here, but lack the financial resources to do so. Sustain Oregon will assist whenever we can, by evaluating needs and networking as to possible funding options.  When appropriate, we will act as an intermediary in order to assist in getting more projects completed.

In addition to loans or leasing, commercial and multifamily properties in Oregon, a funding alternative called Commercial Property Assessed for Clean Energy (“C-PACE”) may be available.  C-PACE is a based on a property tax assessment option, somewhat like a Local Improvement District for a single piece of property.

Because the financing term is often as long as 30 years and at a comparatively low interest rate, using C-PACE for funding often results making a project cash flow positive, meaning that the value of the energy saved or produced each year exceeds the commensurate C-PACE payments. 

C-PACE funds can be used for a wide variety of improvements to a property, including energy efficiency, water conservation, energy storage, electrical vehicle charging stations and renewable energy technologies (see ORS 223.680). C-PACE funds can also be used for seismic reinforcement to a building (see ORS 223.685). Within certain underwriting limits, C-PACE can pay for all or most of the cost for these improvements to a new or existing building.

Sustain Oregon intends to bring active C-PACE funding alternatives to every County in Oregon and educate commercial business owners, contractors and governmental entities as to their applicability. There are several large investment funds which underwrite C-PACE projects and we will assist business owners and developers in obtaining favorable terms for their C-PACE related projects. If possible, we will also be working with the State of Oregon Treasurer’s Office to increase C-PACE funding alternatives at even more favorable interest rates.